
Set up at the heart of its beloved nature, natural produce and landscapes, Siroperie Meurens is a true pioneer when it comes to environmental causes.


1973 : Siroperie Meurens commits to environmental awareness.
Around 1973, fuel oil heating prices soar. The Meurens family immediately seeks to recycle the condensed calories from the fruit cooking procedures. They find a solution in 1974 and have exchangers installed that recycle the calories shed by fruit acids. This then allows heating offices, work spaces and even a few houses nearby. Unfortunately, this revolutionary heating system merely works during the production phase.

1982: installing stock tanks
In order to also benefit from this new and innovative heating system during night time and weekends, Siroperie Meurens installs stainless steel stock tanks in 182 that store the hot water and guarantee all-round heating.

2008: insulating green roofs
In 2008, Siroperie Meurens is looking to insulate its enormous flat-roofed surfaces more efficiently. Sedum, a perennial mountain plant with highly effective insulating properties, will be the solution. Result: less energy spent on cooling down and heating systems.

2011: Installing photovoltaic panels
Whereas some roofs are covered in sedum, others host solar panels in order to cut the Siroperie’s energy costs.


Fruit pulp: food for the cattle next door.

Siroperie Meurens has been economically present in Aubel since 1902, and has now found in its local farmers willing collaborators to reduce its waste. Fruit pulp, after the cooking, pressing and evaporation process, perfectly serves as cattle food. All the farmers have to do is go and pick it up. Nothing is wasted and everybody benefits from it. Did you know that 100 kilos of fruit produce 12 kilos of pulp?


Compost and flowerbeds out of fruit stones!

The hardest stones, namely those of prunes, are collected by neighbours in order to decorate their flowerbeds. The most crumbly stones, such as date cores, are recycled into compost.

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